
Liebster Award!


Hi everyone!  Thanks so much to Jess @JESSTMXO for nominating me with the Liebster Award, it’s truly unexpected and made my day!  If you haven’t seen her blog, please check it out, she writes about fashion and beauty and has awesome lashes!  I started blogging recently and it’s great to see bloggers supporting each other!

According to The Global Aussie, this “award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers but this has slowly lowed as the reward has gained popularity. It is now only 200 readers or less.”

Rules – those who accept the award can check out the official rules at The Global Aussie.  The rules are:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Provide the rules of the award
  • Answer the 11 questions posed by the nominator
  • Provide 11 different questions to be answered by your nominees
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs
  • Give 10 random facts about yourself (optional)

Questions and my answers-

1. Where is your favourite place to go and why?  Home, does that count? It allows me to spend time with my family and recharge.  But I’d love to go to Korea one day, haven’t been and I’m into pretty much anything Korean (food, music, TV, and not to mention Beauty products!).

2. How would you describe yourself in one word?   I can’t, there is so much to me than just one word =)  

3. What are your dreams?  My dreams have evolved over the years, especially now I have a baby, I hope for happiness and health.

4. What is one thing you’d change about the world today? The way we treat animals.

5. Who is your idol? Inspiration?  Uh, can’t name just one.  I’d say my husband for his kindness and generosity, my dogs for their heart and bravery, my blog and instagram peeps for inspiration.

6.Why do you love blogging?  Honestly, the feedbacks and interaction!  And it’s a place for me to share and go awe over things I enjoy.

7. Do you believe in fate? To a degree.

8. Favourite film? Don’t have one, just cause there’re so many and I’m not great with movie names.  But one comes to mind is “To Live” it’s a 1994 Chinese film about a couple that just went through so much and kept on going, to live, literally.  Which reminds me of “Life is Beautiful” the Holocaust movie.  They’re certainly not movies I want to watch repeatedly, but I think they’re brilliant.

9. Favourite colour? Blue, but gray is great for decor and gold, and yellow always makes me happy, so no favorite.

10. Do you have a nickname? Dannon yogurt (my first name is Dannan).

11. Say something random about yourself?  I love  instant noodles for mid-night snacks, ask me and I’ll tell you my favorite (yea, I actually have a favorite for this one)!

My questions –

  1. What inspired you to start a blog?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. Which camera/phone do you use to take most of your blogging pictures?
  4. What are the places you like to shop?
  5. Are you more into beauty or fashion?
  6. How do you engage with your readers?
  7. What are the top apps on your phone?
  8. What music do you like?
  9. What is your favorite traveling destination?
  10. Must haves in your purse?
  11. What have you learned since you first started blogging that you’d like to share with someone who is about to start a blog?

My nominees – I hope you will accept the award and share the love with others!

  1. Mercyish
  2. Chloe Helena
  3. Lara Lost in Beauty
  4. Pink Sparkle Maven
  5. One Awesome Momma
  6. Beautyholics101
  7. The Mix-Match Family
  8. CloudyTalks

Have a great rest of the week everyone!

18 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

  1. thanks for the nomination…!! ❤
    I've been busy and sick…therefore didn't have any time to even get to my own blog -__-"
    I'll try to get mine up asap 🙂
    Take care!


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